Goals of the Canadian Osteogenesis
Imperfecta Society
Provide education and support to persons with OI and their families
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To provide education and support, we will:
- Develop information and resource materials (in both official languages) to help the OI community enhance their OI understanding and adaptation skills
- Create locally led Regional Hubs that will serve as support networks for individuals with OI, their families, the newly diagnosed, as well as the professions that support them
- Continue our special partnership with the OIF that is of great benefit to the Canadian community
Increase awareness and knowledge about OI within the greater Canadian community
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To increase awareness and knowledge, we will:
- Enhance internal and external communications through the COIS website, social media, and other platforms
- Create a national OI Community Database that will facilitate research, enhance support, and build strong regional OI communities
- Provide financial assistance to qualifying OI persons or families in need to attend the OIF bi-annual conferences.
Support and fund research into the treatment, care, and management of OI
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To support and fund research, we will:
- Launch and oversee a COIS Research Fellowship Program that furthers research and the academic and skills development of future OI clinicians, surgeons, and physicians
- Sponsor Government of Canada grant applications from approved and recognised research organisations whose goals are to further the interests and treatment of OI
- Create local and national fund-raising events that enable COIS to support grants as well as the broader aims of the COIS
- Provide Canadian donors with CRA tax receipts (as the registered charity of the OI community in Canada)
Collaborate with other OI communities around the world
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To collaborate with other OI communities, we will:
- Continue to build relationships and share knowledge, research, and information
- Participate in the OIF, OIFE and the British Bone Society (BBS)
- Support the OIF National Conference and sponsorships
- Work with all our counterparts so that together we can achieve a global network––an OI Community WITHOUT BORDERS
The Canadian Osteogenesis Imperfecta Society is a proud Member of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders
Make a donation.
COIS is a not for profit organization and runs on the kind generosity of our members and donors. If you can please consider making a contribution to the society.
CRA Tax receipt issued for donations over $25
CRA #:11883 4928 RR0001